Tuesday, October 30, 2012

FABULOUS Fun GNO Upcoming Event for Peoria!

COME ON Ladies.. Upcoming Local Event ...  Grab your girls, your Coach wallets, come and support local artists by enjoying the FIRST annual Girls Night Out at the Landmark Health Club.

Get your tickets early or purchase at the door!

November 15th, 2012 starting at 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Here are just some of the local artists that will be set up for your shopping pleasure!!

Monarch Jewelry
1 of a Kind Crafts
Studio on Seventeen
Star Metal Art
Mods and Ends
Vinyl Art Studio
Litwiller Creations
Ray of Sunshine
The Itti Bitti Baby Boutique
Corner Studsio Salon
Goddess Boheme
Lauramayzing Lhotgography
Beck's Buttons
Grovin' Around
Pretty Pillowcases
Bouquets by Ddesign
Catlyn's Creations
Essential Whimsy
Hovering Dragonfly by Amy
All About Girls
Roadside Gypsy
Revolutionary Kind
Miss Millie the psychic
U Wood Lit It
Benjamin Watkins
Hardin Soy Candles
Jules by Design
Kroger Cheese table/specialist
Echo Valley Meats Sandwiches
Brewers Distributing sample table
Desserts from Gemstone Confections
Fashions from Pink Sugar
Refreshements from Landmark

Tuesday, October 23, 2012



 I found a website that you can GIFT someone cash or money!!!

Do you know of a HIGHLY Deserving housewife that does not have the means or the resources to get away or buy certain things in life?

This website is set up to gift someone you care and love .. the money to obtain a goal, vacation, house expenses, charitable donations etc....

I have people in my life that I would love to set up a wonderful gifting opportunity .. whether they use it for a vacation that they would never have the means to take or helping with new business ventures.

 Either way this is a great way to help one another out and give someone something that they may never ask for!!!

CLICK here to Check out the "DEPOSIT A GIFT" Website 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Looking at Life in Minutes! A great way to re prioritize your life!

Many of us, go through life taking each day one at a time.  

Some of us, wish that certain days would end.  

Too many of us, wonder where the day went.  

Some hold the last few minutes and seconds close to their heart.  

Have you ever considered your life in hours, minutes or seconds?

There is a website that I found that calculates your life in seconds, minutes, hours and days

The average life span of a human is 67.2 years old

 So a 67 year old person would have approximately spent 

23,000 days
552,000 hours
33,000,000 minutes

on this earth.

Now I am 34 years old

I have blown through roughly 

12,500 days
logged 300,000 hours
18,000,000 minutes

If I were to live to be close to 67 years old.

Then that means I have about 

10,500 days remaining
252,000 hours
15,000,000 minutes left

Pretty POWERFUL, huh?  Go ahead and try it!  
It makes you start thinking and re prioritizing your life.

I recently attended a fun Mom's Organizational Seminar/Talk with my fun fellow housewife Beth.  It was great to hear a very delightful speaker/fellow housewife of 3 talk about improving upon the inefficiencies in our lives and how to organize our homes.  If you are interested in more home and office organization techniques check out Kate Varness (A Local Housewife Organizational Expert) website at

Kate Varness of Green Light Organizing and Coaching -Click here

Well with that being said, it opened my mind up about inefficiencies in our lives and how to focus on those valuable seconds, minutes and hours.

I started thinking about when my kids were born .. their lives tickers began ticking the minute they took their first breath.  Hence, why we have stats on each one such as 7lbs 3 oz and born at 8:22 pm.  Their lives began when the clock started.  I look back at the past few years with my kids and realize... time is not slowing down and my kids are growing by the minute.

Have you ever thought to yourself....

How have I prioritized their days? ... how have I spent each of those fleeting moments with each?

  I have to be honest ...some days ... seem like they never end.. and some days just fly.  I find that more now that my kiddos are in school.

Some days I look at them and think how will I remember how they looked (the closeup details) and smelled when they were little.  The smell for my kiddos was always so sweet and to me they smelled like toasted marshmallows (weird, right????)

Ok Moms... they all had a smell..share what yours smelled like!!!

With my oldest, I forget that I used to sit in the rocker and stare at him trying to lock in those baby features in my brain.  NOW it is hard to remember what he looked like unless I pull out a few snapshots.

It overwhelms me to think that one day they won't want me to kiss on them or grab their chubby little faces and play nosey nosey.   So at night.. I try to think about how I can slow or freeze time?

Impossible or Possible?

Death Sentences - Time is Almost UP! 

When you are diagnosed with a life threatening illness or know of someone who is diagnosed with an illness ... these numbers become real.

A great speaker that had terminal cancer had excellent views on life and the end

Randy Pausch- "Words to Live By" Click here

For people that have been terminal (like Randy Pausch) and have written their lives stories.. every second counted.  They disregarded most everything they know and re prioritized.  When you are given a time frame to work within .. you start making lists and decide what's important and what isn't.

WHY does it take a death sentence to re prioritize?

We should learn to live like we have expiration dates.

Wouldn't that be so Interesting to see.... if everyone walked around with a shirt that said..
"Fresh Until... 1/12/2024"

I bet you the sales in Armpit Deodorant or Body spray would go up!  LOL
Mission Statements

I feel that we all should have a mission statement in life.
With that, it will give you the foundation on how to prioritize our days, hours and minutes

I found a couple great websites that help people with developing a life's mission statement and finding purpose from there.

Bill Baren Prioritize What's Important - Click here

I also found that their are little inefficiencies in our everyday that can easily be remedied.

For example

Time spent towards cleaning

It is wonderful to devote to cleanliness but to what extent?

Break down your everyday in terms of cleaning and determine how much time are you willing to lose on devoting to your home.

Consider each minute like money.. how much money are you willing to spend towards housework?  $25 dollars aka 25 minutes 

Time spent with your children, dog or loved ones

Would you give up your whole life savings to be with your loved one or child?

Of course you would!!!

Realistically.. you need to consider during your day how much time/money are you spending on them (Kids, Loved Ones) versus housework, trivial projects, internet surfing (WRITING THIS BLOG ....LOL) etc...

Is it more or less?

If it's more.. you have some re prioritizing to do!

For those working women and men, I understand that time is money and money pays the electricity.  However, what about the moments away from the desk or driving.  How do you make the most of your time?  

When driving do you think to call someone you love or someone you haven't talk to in a long time?

As you create your mission statement and determine your purpose... you will look at the lull moments as moments wasted.  

TV watching is such a waste of time.  Think about it.. you have some fun shows to watch.. how much would you pay to watch them?  $50 - Shows typically run anywhere between 30-50 minutes... when you think about it... TV is such a waste of time and money.

Try to look at your days in terms of Money.. I know that money doesn't buy happiness but if you look at time as money then how much time do you want to spend doing something that makes you happy or being with someone that makes you happy?


Secondly, I believe people need to learn the Circles of Friends Concept

This is an idea from a person who is very near to my heart  (MY LOVELY LOVELY, talented and beautiful Sister).  She developed this concept to determine her complex circle of friends.  

The Circle of Friends Concept

The Inner Inner (Center White Circle) -   Is the position of the center of bulls eye where your most trusted, most important, closest to your heart friends are positioned.

They are the ones you can tell virtually anything and everything (deepest darkest secrets) to without judgement.   Usually there are very few of these .. hence the center is not very big to accommodate many.   My thoughts and my husband make up the Inner Inner. 

The Inner Outer (Blue Circle) -  This is the position where friends and family that you regularly talk to are positioned.  They are usually great confidants.  Reliable, fun and bring light to your day when it seems dull, boring or dreary.

The Outer Inner (White Circle) -  This is the position which is quite roomy.  Friends that you see and talk to occasionally.  The ones that come and go.  You enjoy talking to them.  Maybe some that you can only take in small amounts of time.  The ones that are not a permanent fixture in your world because of varying differences such as personality, position in life, values etc....

The Outer Outer (Black Circle) -  This is the biggest and most likely the most amount of people that float in and out of your world.  Usually acquaintances or friends of friends.  

FACEBOOK ... is a great one to determine your circles.  

The people you frequently chat with on facebook.. the ones that respond to posts or show that they care about what you have to say, .. I would say .. they potentially fall.. in the Outer Inner to Outer Outer.  Most likely teetering between the two.  

The friends that you have through facebook.. that send messages in private or direct.  Are usually also the ones that go in between Inner Outer and Outer Inner.  
They are the ones that you most likely talk to on the phone versus talk through facebook on a daily or weekly basis.  I would hope that in order for that friend to be within that circle.. you have more contact then just via internet.  Otherwise the friendship becomes one dimensional.

The Circle of Friends Concept will help you determine where your Time/Money should be spent.  I value friendship and enjoy spending time and/or catching up with old and new friends.  My circles could get bigger as time goes.  But most likely and hopefully my center will always stay the same.

Lastly .....Conflict and Resolution within your circles. This is great determine as far as time spent resolving conflict.  First I believe you need to determine where this person falls within the circle chart.  Then determine if it is worth the time to spend towards resolving conflict or create an opening for another person to exist within that circle.

Like I said, every minute should be looked at as valuable money or gold.  How much money would you spend on battling out a certain issue?  Is it worth it to throw away minutes of your day or take away from the valuable minutes you could spend with a loved one?

I am not a counselor, therapist or life coach.. and I am learning as I go!  But I do like to put things in perspective!  My husband and my sister are excellent examples of people who look at life with purpose.  They know time is very valuable and they prioritize accordingly.

When I can provide some insight and share the knowledge that has been given to me.. then I hope to at least say I have grasped at least one component of my purpose in life.

GO enjoy the moment and 
Spend your minutes WISELY!!!!!


Sunday, October 21, 2012


I love how our world is so wonderful where woman can work from home, work and balance family life, or focus solely on the job of a full time stay at home mother.

I truly believe that women can have their cake and eat it to!

However, as much as I enjoy being the full time stay at home mom.  I often get these urges to want to work.  I have many fellow housewives with highly educated backgrounds, worked high level jobs that decided to leave all that behind to devote their every fleeting brain cell, last leg of energy to their little ones.

Now ... it is amazing to see HOW many women are choosing not to work!  Choosing to raise a family.  I cannot help but wonder is the world swinging in a different direction.  WITH THAT BEING SAID ..

 Are employers taking note?

Although, there are still a fair share of moms that choose to be out there in the trenches bringing home the bacon.  Fully running a household while making ends meet.  God Bless them for doing it with such flair!

It is interesting to see many moms are opting to be full time stay at homers but also little entrepreneurs.

Many of my fellow housewives have side hobbies that pays a little here and there.  For example, with the amazing technological advances in point and shoot photography... becoming a professional photographer is made a little easier.  I love all the fun editing software online and enjoy seeing all the amazing photos that it produces.  So many moms are taking a crack at it.

Click here to see CLICKin MOMS Photographers

There are many crafty housewives that create beautiful hair pieces for little girls and sell them at local hair salons, boutiques etc.  Internet websites such as www.etsy.com have made it so easy to run  creative businesses.

There are also the lovely ladies that throw the fun parties such as Lia Sophia, Thirty One, Mary kay etc... Where they get a few extra dollars, have fun hosting events to sell products without the worry of overhead, product creation or distribution.

I recently attended a Mom's morning out where the speaker was a Stay at Home Mom who had a fun Organizational business on the side.  Most all discussions were pertaining to home and family organization NOT Office Organization.

Women who are stay at home moms are really capitalizing on other stay at home moms!  Which is wonderful!

Now as a person who before married life was a professional working person .. wonders..

How will I be able to get back into that world after many years away?

 Are employers looking for highly skilled mothers who haven't touched a computer screen in 5 -10 years?  

Is it better to have a job or at least a part time one while raising your children?

All of this discussion, is important information to consider during your time away from the working world.  Life does happen .... unfortunately things can happen in your marriages and decision have to be made in order to pick up the pieces and move forward.  You have to be able to get back into the working world and pick up where you left off.  OR completely change career paths and start anew.

I was talking with a fellow housewife who has been a stay at home mom for over 10 years.  She was previously in technology sales for a very large corporation.  She left the business to be a stay at home mom after her first daughter was born.  Now that her kids are fully immersed into school she is now worried about how difficult it would be for her to get back into the technology sales industry.

She was concerned how her resume would be received by her prospective employers.  She brought up very valid points to consider...

1.  Do employers value stay at home moms?  Someone's got to do the job ...I am the most qualified!

2.  Do employers value being the President of the PTO committee or Head room coordinator at your child's school?

3.  Is a part time job at a local boutique where you picked up a few hours here and there enough to land an interview?

4.  Does your hobby that pays for your shopping budget enough to convince your potential company that you should be their new employee?

5.  Are the employers going to create a job that has hours between 8-4 or 8-3 so I can pick little Billy up from school to take him to soccer practice?

I know it sounds silly but this is all very real to some people who have to make the leap back into the working world.

MY JOB as a STAY AT HOME MOM.. is something I treasure... no one can take care of my kids the way I can ... no one can raise boys to be gentlemen like me... no one can give the unconditional love and attention like I can!!!  Nannies, baby sitters are wonderful but they ain't me!

I doubt a large corporation is going to value my contribution to society by raising outstanding citizens... but I have to ask... WHY THE HELL NOT!

Interesting read about a person trying to get back into the working world

I have to say.. with more women deciding to focus on family instead of career.. our employers will have to be a bit more understanding otherwise ...  stay at home moms will have to come together and create businesses that employ women that choose to stay at home and are now getting back out there.

If you are a stay at home mom and are preparing to return to the working world...

Here are some great resources to use in order to prepare yourself for the working world

Any comments or ideas are greatly appreciated and I always

pAY it Forward!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


This year is flying by us and pretty soon the BIG holiday will be upon us!

For many, it is a very difficult time of the year on the budget due to large families or just economic constraints.   As our families grow, not just the immediate family, so does the extended.

In my family, I have the most amount of people to buy for due to the extensions on both sides.  I LOVE buying for the kiddos and try to get something that I think they would like.  However, I understand that not all families enjoy buying beyond their kiddos.  It can be hard on the budget and it is one extra thing to have to worry about.

As much as I enjoy the Christmas exchanges... I think that kiddos have way too much stuff and the true meaning of Christmas gets muddled along the way.

However, it seems that many people do not stray away from the gift giving season.  If they do... I wonder if it changes the dynamic of the Christmas celebration.   (INSERT ...PLEASE SEND ME YOUR THOUGHTS ON THAT ONE)

Our families are so busy that it is very hard to get together.  The major Holidays is the one day that we all try to come together.  SO ... for those families that don't see each other often ... don't you think the gift cards and random presents are trivial and pointless.  You are getting something for someone you don't see as often and really don't know what they like or want.  Why not change things up ....

Cut out all the gift buying for everyone and draw names and come up with an alternative gift giving solution such as ...

       HOST A Gifting of my TIME Holiday

               Ask in advance - for everyone to send 3 things via email that they wish they could finish in their household but do not have the time or the energy to finish.   (i.e.  helping paint a room, a gardening project, organization... etc... )

              In addition, ask for everyone to send 4 dates that are available in the summer, spring, winter and fall.

            If many travel distances to be available, then be mindful of that and come up with alternatives like... setting up a skype time to chat about organization (Martha Stewart has great ideas about organizing the linen closet).

Then that way... you have a date, a project to work on together and that will create a fun memory for you and your family member.

    HOST a GIFTS from the GUT Holiday

    Ask each person to submit their favorite dessert, appetizer, or passed side for the Holiday Celebration.  Make it even more fun and create a label and a funny homage to the recipient ....

Grandma Betty's Blazing Buffalo Wings
Aunt Annie's Artichoke Dip
Cousin Corina's Sugar Cookies

    HOST a GIFT of GIVING Holiday

    Ask each person to submit the charity that they hold dear to the heart and research upcoming charity events to attend and schedule the two of you to participate in raising money.

Let's Run the Race for the Cure together on May 1st.
Let's go to the Food Drive on March 28th for a Local Shelter
Let's have a shopping date to buy newborn clothes for our Children's Hospital

 HOST a GIFT of the BEEN GIVEN Holiday

Fun way to regift a gift that has been given to you.  You make it fun or practical.

Gift an old egg beaters and before they open give clues to have them guess
Gift pot holders
Gift an old Holiday sweater


I think this IDEA is FABULOUS!!!  Each adult and/or child brings one sheet of paper that describes what you like about the Holidays, what you have learned from that year, and what you plan to do in the New Year.

The Hostess' job is to Provide the Binder where all the stories are collected and it's the duty of the person to host to have it available each year.

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be each year to have stories of loved ones of Holidays' past.  In addition, it is fun to watch how the kiddos' ideas of Holidays have changed over the years.

If you want to take it one step further.. take pictures of everyone and add to pages of each year.

There are many great alternatives to the Holidays and this website has wonderful ideas.

For the kiddos... cut the gifts out all together and have fun projects that they can do!  Make sure they make gifts to give to each other.

There are great websites for children's projects.  The older kiddos can help the young ones.  If there are mostly middle aged kids and teenagers... maybe have them come up with a fun christmas song to create with a dance number at the end to entertain the adults.

Here are some fun websites to consider.

Song Writing for Kids

Make it and Take it Website for Crafty Kids


I help with the art lessons at my kid's school and there are so many great craft projects to do for Christmas.  Contact your local schools to see if there are some fun Holiday projects that they can suggest to do with your kids during the Holidays.

JUST some fun Fabulous ideas to share to make your Holiday cheery, bright and full of meaning!!!!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

FAB IDEA- Creating a Family Crest!

Have you or anyone in your family traced back your ancestry?  Did you discover you were related to someone amazing or maybe not so amazing????  What about royalty???

Websites like...




Have made it fairly easy to discover who "Your People" were or where on earth you came from.

I have discovered some amazing fun facts on who I am related to and where I originated from on my mothers side.  For instance, I love to tell people that I am a WAY distant relative of Marion Morrison (a.k.a.  John Wayne).  Also my uncle has worked on our ancestry for many years to discover that we were related to those of royal blood.   WHATEVER that means.. but still kinda cool!

My husband's family just recently discovered that his descendants were on the Mayflower (both sides) and that they are distant relatives of either Meriwether Lewis or William Clark.  Amazing right??

Ok.. so If you have taken the time to research your ancestry and found that you have some royalty in your blood.. DO you have a family crest or coat of arms?

If you do and you have the ability to break down the meaning of the symbols ... please do share!!  I think it is completely fascinating and wonderful to see how families preserve these amazing crests and understand the symbolism.

If I had an amazing crest .. I would think of all the possibilities on where and how I could use it!!

For example,  every note sent to my child's teacher would have my family's crest stamped right on the top!  (ha ha ha)

I would definitely create beautiful thank you cards, notecards and return address labels with our family crest.

Wouldn't that be fabulous!!!!

NOW...if you were to create your own Family Crest or Coat of Arms... what would be your design?

Below explains how to create a Coat of Arms or Family Crest and what types of symbols to use to represent your family.

The Diagram:

Looking at number 1 on the illustration, you will see that it's pointed to the design on the shield (shields can come in a variety ofshapes, but this is one of the most common). This is the more narrowly defined "coat of arms" of your crest. The coat of arms on the shield has many potential elements that can go into its design. Things to consider are color, or "tincture" (each color signifies something), divisions of the "field" or background, lines of division, ordinaries and sub-ordinaries, furs, and more. You will find examples of many of these elements on the coat of arms in the links section below.

Number 2 points to the ordinary, which is part of the coat of arms. There are many possible ordinaries, or geometric shapes and bands that divide the shield into segments. The ordinary that you choose will depend in part on what other elements you want to appear on the shield. Or, you can choose not to use an ordinary at all, and just have your symbols on the shield as your design.

Number 3 indicates the charge, which in this case is set on the ordinary. Charges are any symbol that is represented on the shield itself. Charges can be any object, but are most commonly things such as humans, animals, fish, birds, mythical creatures, elements of nature, crosses or an implement, such as the sword you see here. A link I have provided below is very informative, in that it gives the traditional meanings for a wide variety of commonly used charges. Many of the items on this list are representations of other symbols that appear with a coat of arms, such as supporters, which we'll discuss in a moment, and the lines of division on a shield. If you're making your own coat of arms, you'll want to choose a charge or charges that represent you in some way. For example, you might want to use a bell tower, which signifies integrity, or a boar which means bravery. For a personal touch, you might choose a fountain pen if you're a writer, or tragedy and comedy masks if you are a lover of theater.

Number 4 points to the helmet, which is usually placed atop the shield, but can sometimes be a charge on the shield as well.The style of helmet an individual uses depends upon his rank in the aristocracy. Royalty, for example, are represented by a gold helmet with several bars on the front, and red or blue silk, used to pad the inside of a helmet, will show through the bars. A nobleman will use a helmet of silver, a knight one of steel with an open visor, and a squire or gentleman will have a helmet with a closed visor. As you see, the rules are quite extensive and complex. For your own purposes, you can choose a helmet to your liking, or choose not to use a helmet on your coat of arms at all. Many coats of arms use crowns or coronets instead of or in addition to a helmet.

Crests and Coats of Arms to Purchase

Celebration Family Name History Plaque
Amazon Price: $49.95
Family Coat of Arms
Amazon Price: $7.49
Number 5 is the "torse" or "crest wreath". It represents a twist of silk or fabric that encircles the top of the helmet. It is usually in two colors, each with its own meaning. You will see examples of the torse in the examples of coats of arms that follow.

Number 6 is the crest itself. These elements are usually animals, and again, are representative of the owner and carry meaning. A deer signifies harmony, a dog means loyalty and an elephant would signify strength. Again, refer to the page I will list at the end of the article for ideas for crests and their meanings.

Number 7 - The crest often holds or leans on an object, as in this example. These are often weapons, but they can be other things, such as a shepherd's crook, a walking stick, or even a gardening tool. If you're a musician, for example, you could have your crest holding a flute or a guitar!

Number 8 shows the "mantle" or "mantling", which is usually either a silk/ribbon like swathe, or a display of leaves. feathers or vines. It drapes around the helmet and flows down to the sides of the shield.

Number 9 this is your motto! Usually it is printed on a ribbon or scroll, and is written in Latin, but it can be in any language. Examples of some mottos are as follows:

A te pro te = From thee, for thee

Amo, ut invenio = I love as I find

Celer et audax = Swift and bold

Corage sans peur = Courage without fear

You get the idea! Imagine the fun you could have coming up with your own motto! It can go above the whole coat of arms, or below. Often times the name of the family is also found either above or below the coat of arms on a scroll or ribbon. (if you want to put your motto into Latin or another language, try using a language translator such as googletranslate!)

There are further elements that can go into a coat of arms, one of which is the supporters, not pictured in the diagram. Supporters are a pair of figures that stand to each side of the shield. As with the other figures and objects, these have meaning and are usually human or, more commonly, animals or mythical creatures. They usually hold or support the shield with their limbs

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fabulous "To Pierce or Not to Pierce"

To Pierce or Not to Pierce that is the question!

How old were you when you had your ears pierced.. (the first time)? 
A.   A Baby
B.    A Preschooler
C.   Middle School Aged Babe
D.  High Schooler or Beyond
E.   Never 


According to the Harris Poll Approximately

49% of the Adult Population in the United States has a piercing
At Least 1 out of 5 Adults have a tattoo

Amazing Right???  I was a Middle School Aged Babe when I had my first ear piercing.   When I was in school it was popular to have a few piercings on one side and one or two less on the other.

Now (as you can see from the pic) anything and everything is game on the ear and anywhere on your body.  

For those of you that have had your piercings since you were a Zygote, have you ever taken the time to look at that gaping hole that seems to be growing longer and wider by the minute?

I have noticed lately amongst Celebrities, the odd epidemic of gaping holes and sagging earlobes due to heavy pieces of metal hanging from their ears.  

All of these excessively heavy earrings are weighing our poor helpless earlobes down to the ground.  I have never been one to wear excessively heavy earrings ... for one.. they are too obnoxious and completely garish for my taste.  Secondly, I have a One year old baby that would give anything to get her hot little hands on them to rip them out of my ears.

So ... where am I going with all this... Lately I have noticed 5 years olds running around with big hoop earrings and have questioned whether piercing my sweet little baby's beautiful ears is something I want to do at such a young age.

It amazing to see how Ear Lobe Reconstructive Surgery is becoming more and more popular and I can't help but wonder if it is because our parent's didn't give our poor little ear lobes a fighting chance at a very young age.  I am doomed (Unless I sign up for the reconstructive surgery... hmmmmmm stay tune that could be my next blog... )... however, my beautiful daughter's tiny ear buds can still be saved.

 I know ... I know that she is still pretty young and we have lots of time to make that decision.  Also... I know that girls try so hard to keep up with all the fashion that this may be one thing that I will have to fight her tooth and nail on.  BUT... BUT... hopefully she will understand that prolonging the piercing may indeed be the one thing she might be appreciative of when they start hanging and swaying in the breeze.

FOR Those FABULOUS DROOPY Eared Housewives like myself... I found a few alternatives that I think are so much fun and could help with winning the first battle of ....
"TO Pierce or NOT To Pierce."

There are some amazing options out there.. and they are becoming more and more popular.

Here are some FABULOUS Options 

1.   Temporary Earring Tattoos  by   b'INKD Kids Temporary Tattoos for Kids2.   Body Jewels by Hollywood Body Jewelry - Pain free Piercings for Ears and Belly3.  Clip On Earrings or Slip On Earrings by The Lisadora Collection

Clip On Earrings do not have to be painful, heavy or pinch.  Lisadora has made some great headway in Hollywood creating beautiful options for the Rich and FABULOUS.

Please before piercing your precious little baby... take a second and look at the holes in your ears.... then just fast forward into her future and that is what her little ears will look like.  For many of us... WITHOUT Earrings... it is not an attractive look!

NOW... as far as Tattoos goes.. that is a whole other topic of convo!!!   I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS...

TO allow a tattoo or NOT....  Your thoughts?

Until next time....

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Seriously.... I have some amazing ideas that I have saved in my little crazy brain and they are exploding to get out!!!

Where did I go .. 

I had a couple babies that needed full time kissing!   

New hobbies developed  (I will get into that more ... let me just say ... my  FABULOUS friend introduced to me to the most amazing product Annie Sloan Chalk Paint)

Traveling Adventures pulled me away

Lots of side writing..

and a Husband that needs and wants (huh hmmmm... sound familiar?????)

Lots to chit chat about and... I was so excited to see that I have had a QUITE a viewing since I have been gone... (hopefully that means ... I am sharing helpful tips (pay it forward)...  I hope to gain even more new friends and hear even more FABULOUS ideas from my fellow housewives and husbands!

This next set of blogs... will be topics that women may or may not want to discuss and lots of ideas on home decor, photography ideas, ways to channel your child's inner artistic abilities and much much more!

I love this blogging stuff and hope that my typos and writing style doesn't throw you off (Like the Fifty Shades of Gray did for me!!!) 

Posts to come!  

BTW... do you want a few good laughs check out my fellow amazing Abroad Housewife and her crazy adventures in