Sunday, November 25, 2012

A PAY it FORWARD thank you to my FIRST Housewife Guest BLOGGER!

Hey I need all the help I can get these days!  It takes a VILLAGE!!  So.. additional blogging topics are always loved, cherished and much MUCH Appreciated!!!

My fellow Housewife Blogger hails from Central Illinois and shares common housewife tips and tricks! 

 Here is just a snippet of what she is all about:

Mary is a Catholic wife and mother to three wonderful children.  She is dedicated to making her chosen vocation of motherhood fun, creative, and ultimately successful, one step at a time.   

Here is the first of her blog offerings for those Mommies who are in search of a great organization to donate those "LOVED and CHERISHED but NEED A NEW HOME".


Pay it Forward Morton and Surrounding Areas
 We have been spending a lot (a whole lot) of time indoors lately.  I have been getting the itch to get rid of a few things before bringing out all of the Christmas decorations.  I normally stop at Goodwill and toss out my castaways and then move on to the next errand, not really giving it a second thought. 
 Recently, I stumbled upon the Face Book Group “Pay it Forward Morton and Surrounding Areas.”  This a group where there are two types of postings INO (in need of) and OFFER.  If you have something that you think others could use more than yourself, make an offer.  No money exchanges hands, people who need your item will make arrangements for pick up.
 Reading just a few of the in need of posts is humbling.  Do you have 3 baby bouncy seats and one baby booty?  That new single mom would love to have a place to rest her baby.  How about the set of drapes that just weren’t your thing anymore?  Maybe someone in need could use them to help slow down the drafts from an old leaky window and save on heating costs this winter.  How about that extra winter coat that you have not worn in 3 years?  Your extras may meet someone’s needs.
 I encourage you to check it out, maybe even get your kids involved in meeting someone’s ‘in need of’ request.  What a great lesson in charity to kick off this holiday season!       


Click here for Pay it Forward Morton and Surrounding Areas Facebook Page   



Pay It Forward Morton and Surrounding Areas

We are so excited to be able to form this group through Facebook! This is 
a group to help one another in our own areas (and this includes Morton and ALL surrounding areas). :) Toms Shoes and ecojot are just two organizations that pay it forward. Now you can make it personal and pay it forward, as well!!

The goal of this group is to help one another. Even if you are the one in need, there is probably something you have, or can do, to help someone else. You aren't "needy" just because someone has something you can use. This can be an item or a service.

We all are in this group for the same purpose; to help one another. We are Christians who believe that we are to LOVE one another... helping one another is such an easy way to show Christ’s love.

Always remember... this is VOLUNTARY... so please:
Be Kind
Be Respectful

You can list your need by placing an INO (In Need Of) OR you can OFFER what service or item you have to give. Please remember to delete your INO when you find it and delete your item or service once you have provided it. This will allow the site to flow more smoothly.

If a problem arises, please try to work it out privately. If you feel it cannot be resolved, feel free to contact an administrator (Kelly Papproth Knepp, Bree Anne Rassi, Randi Kohtz, and Ann Neavor) to try to help resolve the issue.

Personal Messages (PM's) which include your phone number, car make/model and color and/or address are helpful. We do not think posting this information directly to the site is a good idea. And PLEASE do not post time and place of pick up on site. SAFETY needs to be of utmost concern.

Administrators are here to facilitate the site and are not responsible for any personal interactions, either in gains or losses.

God bless you all for becoming a part of this group/team!! What an awesome gift you are giving and hopefully receiving as well :)

NO animals are to be asked for or offered please :)

Tis the Season to Give and Share with those in need of your knowledge, your ideas and

Great IDEAS from a Fellow FABULOUS Housewife!

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