Tuesday, March 6, 2012

FABULOUS Face and Butt Towels!

Ok... we all have our shower rituals and hygiene techniques..

Let me share mine... I have a Norwex face cloth... obviously for my face... and a loofah/body sponge for the remainder.  My husband on the other hand.. finds a loofah... does ALL the body good.  (Insert laugh here)

 Let me explain that I keep my cleaning tools separate for a reason.  (There is a reason why we don't wash the dishes with the toilet bowl brush.... am I right???!!!)  YOU follow'in me?

SO... as I am surfing the deals on the internet I came across a great website that actually sells FACE and BUTT towels and soap bars.  AMAZING, right?!

Some RHOTC have even got creative and embroidered Butt and Face on hand towels just to keep it all straight!

Tells us your tail!  What do you do to keep you man's giblet gunk off your junk?


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